Recent revelations have uncovered a deeply troubling practice within Acadia Healthcare’s network of psychiatric facilities: the deliberate prolongation of patient stays to maximize insurance payouts. This corporate hospital system appears to be exploiting its patients’ vulnerabilities to increase its profits, often keeping individuals in care far longer than necessary, despite their actual need for intensive treatment being questionable.
The implications of these revelations are grave, touching upon serious medical ethics, a culture of harm, and human rights violations. Patients, some of whom might not require such prolonged and intense care, are being held against their will, exposing them to unnecessary risk and distress.
This is just another example of a corporate hospital system putting profits over patients.
Better Solutions is committed to calling out corporate hospital wrongdoings and holding them accountable. It is imperative to advocate for rigorous reform and accountability within these institutions to ensure that patients receive the ethical and compassionate care they deserve.