On Sunday night, NYU Langone Health launched a Super Bowl commercial featuring former New York Giants star Victor Cruz that cost well over $8 million — money that could have been spent on patients in need. This $8 million ad price tag doesn’t even account for production costs, meaning the total investment in this commercial was likely far higher.
As a hospital that spends less than 1.2% of its total expenses on charity care, this is a real fumble.
To NYU Langone, money matters more. According to Sage Transparency, NYU Langone charges commercially-insured patients 377% more than what they charge patients on Medicare for the same services. This means for a service that Medicare pays $1,000 for, commercial insurance pays $3,770.
By focusing on a multi-million-dollar commercial instead of more affordable care, NYU Langone’s priorities are clear: image over impact and profits over patients. Hospitals need to refocus their efforts on the true needs of the communities they serve. Better Solutions remains committed to shining a spotlight on this fight.